ga·la /ˈɡālə,ˈɡalə/ noun

  1. a social occasion with special entertainments or performances.

Chris and Ami moved back to Idaho in 2018 and soon thereafter found a group of amazing adventure partners who never shied away from the grueling routes Chris put together. In 2019 seven friends headed out to tackle the first Boise Gravel Gala in cold and snowy conditions with Chris’ dad, Doug, driving behind with snacks and beers. It. Was. Epic. And the word got out! In 2020 we invited a larger group of friends to take on the same route, with better weather. With fantastic volunteers we were able to provide snacks and beers again and a pizza party at the house after. For 2021 we mixed up the route, moved the start finish to our favorite bottle shop, Hops & Bottles, and opened up the event to anybody who dared to join us. IT WAS AMAZING! So we keep doing it. We continue to make each year the best one yet and hope you join us in 2023!!

What’s in it for me? Great question. Here’s roughly what you get for your entry fee:

  • A killer challenge that, once completed, will leave you with a sense of great accomplishment

  • A chance to meet new amazing people and maybe make friends for life

  • Incredibly stocked aid stations thanks to our amazing sponsors (check out our partners page!)

  • A rad after party with a food truck, drink tokens, sweet swag, and raffle prizes

  • An opportunity to test yourself against others, if that’s your thing, via competitive segments on each course